Atlas of Acupuncture – Power Search – TCM diagnoses – Foundations of TCM

For many centuries Traditional Chinese Medicine is continuously taught and applied. There is no other medicine which can understand and treat people so individually.
We help you to master this ancient art.
Download Shen-Acupuncture App in your App Store!
2 TCM reference books, 150 acupuncture points, 50 TCM diagnoses and 500 symptoms with TCM diagnostics are available free of charge in the Shen Acupuncture app.
And there’s even more in the Shen Acupuncture full version!
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Searching 1000 pages of the Shen Atlas takes only a fraction of a second
In the app you will have full access to the Shen-Atlas of Acupuncture – a reference book with over 1000 pages as well as 400 high quality acupuncture charts. The Atlas of Acupuncture is easy to use and optimized for working on small screens, such as a smartphone or tablet.
409 Acupuncture Points!
Each and every acupuncture point includes detailed description of the location, TCM functions, indications, special qualifications, needling and more.
469 Acupuncture Charts!
High-quality acupuncture charts show each point on four anatomical levels: skin, musculature, skeleton and internal organs with vessels and nerves.
Search and Power Search!
Search the complete atlas within Nano seconds for diseases, indications and TCM diagnoses. The search option in the Shen Acupuncture app makes your work uncompromising and fast. Searching 1000 pages of the acupuncture atlas for “asthma” takes only a fraction of a second and does not require Internet connection.
Power Search – An Awesome Feature!
This is a unique function integrated in the Shen-Acupuncture app to help you create optimal point combinations for your treatment and save them for later use. The Power search is a brilliant addition to full text search and has a special intelligence only available with the app. This intelligence consists of 5000 individually created links between TCM diagnoses and acupuncture points which you would never find with full text search.
Only the Power Search can show you all the acupuncture points for a specific treatment, e.g. Kidney Yin Deficiency. Combined searches are also possible: for example, to search for all points that strengthen the Kidney Yin and the Heart Yin, or show all Shu-Stream points that expel Heat.
This functionality makes it easy and helps to create your own point combinations for your practice. Use MyBasket as a cache for your point combinations and comfortable manage them for either patients or diseases in the app.

Cardinal Symptoms, Causes and Treatment tips
Clearly structured, the Shen Acupuncture app contains practical expertise on pathogenic Factors, patterns of Substances, Zang Fu, and -NEW- as well as the 8 Extraordinary Vessels.
- Cardinal symptoms for the efficient identification of patterns
- Causes: Explanation for the cause of the patterns together with emotional aspects and nutrition
- Treatment tips: Possible treatment strategies
- Proven point combinations to treat each TCM diagnosis
World’s largest collection of Symptoms & Diseases
Shen Acupuncture contains the world’s largest collection of symptoms and Western disease patterns with associated TCM diagnosis.
If you want to know the TCM diagnosis for a particular clinical picture or symptom, you are guaranteed to find it here.

By focusing on the essentials, your TCM studies will be a success!
With the Foundations of TCM in the Shen Acupuncture app, you will get started with Traditional Chinese Medicine much faster than by using a conventional reference book.
The difficulties only come with real problem patients. The Foundations of TCM are already included in the free version.
MyDatabase for notes, images, audio and acupuncture points
Whether taking notes on patients, treatment ideas, to do lists, images for tongue diagnostics, audio or results of your point searches – MyDatabase in the Shen Acupuncture app stores everything.
– Create your own categories for notes, patients, diseases, etc.
– Save any text, image, audio or acupuncture points
– Import point combinations stored in MyBasket directly to patients or disease images
– Store images for the patient’s tongue diagnostics
– Don’t worry about data loss: Create a backup and you can restore your data at any time and from any device. Even in the event of losing or changing your smartphone!